Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good morning.
Really, it is.

We had such a lovely "weekend". Spent the day in bed, with intermissions to cook, make cookies, go for a walk, etc. Put away the first season of Breaking Bad.
Mindless relaxation? That hasn't existed around here for ten months.
No, really. It was incredible.

I also wrote a long, long letter to my grandmother this weekend,
while eating too many crepes and drinking the most delicious coffee.
It's all in the cheesecloth and the heavy cream, folks. In fact, I'm going to need to make some now.

Today: Learning about funding for small farms, buying tickets to the premiere of a good friend's film on Thursday, sourcing things for the cafe, learning to make delicious paninis, and (hopefully) sourcing a Paw Paw tree to plant for little Silas. And thank you cards to the vets. I need to get on that as well.

Soon (tomorrow?): Xmas treat b/makeathon with wwoofer J. Caramels and fudge and shortbread and the like to wrap up all pretty as gifts. Fun/Yum.

And, that coffee..

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