Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's weird to be the town's organic farmer('s wife). I really wanted to buy a bag of smart food tonight. Alas. If I don't uphold food ethics, who will?

We've been working on the booth we're putting into the Community Market this week. It opens on the weekend. It's gorgeous. People are excited. I'm excited. It's strange to know all of the town's business-folk, to be in on something like this with them. It's weird to be so establishing ourselves as solid residents here; as contributors to the structure of this place.

I've made labels for our pickles with old family photos on them. I can hardly wait to show my grandmother (it's her family).

And now: a bath in a giant old fashioned tub and yummy tea? I think my Autumn might be constructed of this new ritual. These cold nights, the scent of that air, it's the perfect marriage.

PS: Have you had Komatsuna? It's new to me, it's our first time growing it- it's so good. I am sad that harvests are nearly over.

That's all!

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